Thursday, August 25, 2016

Odd Story Inspiration

I had to go to downtown LA for work recently.  I got on Google and looked up the address and then went to the street view so I could recognize what I was looking for.

Ever helpful, Google brought up locations near where I was going.  It suggested a breakfast place with a terrible name, Eggslut, and then right below that Google offered the Guadalupe Wedding Chapel. 
The juxtaposition of Eggslut and the wedding chapel gave me a chuckle.

Then I noticed the photo of the chapel and what struck me first was the big income tax sign. I wondered if they were pushing weddings as a tax benefit and then, when I looked more closely, I saw that not only can you get married at the wedding chapel and get your taxes done, you can also get divorced!

 Guadalupe Wedding Chapel, Los Angeles USA

I am sure that is every woman's dream to get married with as much convenience and as little hassle as possible. You can even rent or buy your dress there.  And they can tell you if your dress rental is a tax write off or not.
Putting that wonderful perk of convenience aside, I know that I would not have been happy seeing a sign advertising services for divorce on my wedding day.

I think the only service that is missing from this wedding chapel is Immigration.  Oh, maybe paternity testing! But once they add Immigration they will truly be a one stop, full service wedding venue.

To all the writers out there, don't you just want to write the story about the girl who has to get married here or the one who chooses this as her perfect option?!?

Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to leave my meeting site and check this place out before having to leave the city.  I hope to make it back there and read the sign on the sidewalk and even go inside and check it out.

For now I have a few items outlined for a story that I hope to flesh out once I see this place in person.

Have you run across a place that inspired a story or a character?

Happy Writing!

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