Monday, April 1, 2013

A – Z Daily Affirmations
Welcome to the A-Z challenge!
I was so excited by the A-Z challenge and tried to come up with a cohesive theme for the challenge before I started writing.   Arlee Bird said that there were, of course, letters that are a challenge like Q.  As soon as he said that I knew instantly what I wanted to write for Q.   (You’ll have to wait and see.) 
Once I wrote Q  I started working on the other letters I thought would be tough and once I started writing  a surprising theme emerged…Affirmations.
This was very surprising for me because if you said the word affirmations to me I would scoff at it and dismiss you as someone who needs a crutch.  But the more I wrote the more I realized that maybe I just have the wrong (Stuart Smalley, self-help book aisle) association with the word.  Everyone I know gets down on themselves and forgets how wonderful they are. 
I hope these 26 shots of encouragement and reminders will be helpful to everyone who reads them and the people around you; especially if you share them and put them into practice.

Applaud yourself for the efforts you make.  Not everything works out as planned but acknowledge the effort you put in and give yourself the praise you deserve.  Then evaluate the situation and try again.
Applaud others for their efforts as well to keep them engaged and positive.


  1. Applause to you, Kate, from a fellow traveler in the A to Z Challenge!

    1. Thanks so much for being my fist comment ever. I visited 4 of your blogs. They were all top notch. I don't know how you can keep up with them all.

      I liked your flash fiction piece.

  2. I love your affirmations idea! I'll need them this month and look forward to your posts. I'm in the A to Z as well. :)

    1. Thank you so much for your applause. I hope that my little snipets will be helpful.

      I know forcing myself to blog everyday is going to be a challenge. But that is what is so great about A-Z.

      Good luck on your quest.


  3. Lots of A to Z-ers here! This is an awesome theme, looking forward to following this one. :)

    Btw, you may want to disable the word verification for comments, it will probably get more people to comment if they don't have to fiddle with those nearly illegible characters. Not a complaint, just a helpful tip. Have a great day!! :)

    1. Ashley,

      I am super new to this and am diving in a bit over my head. I appreciate the heads up and after a few minutes of searching figured out how to shut off the verification. Thank you. I have learned something new today and started blogging.

      Good luck with your A-Z challenge.


  4. Wonderful job Kate! I am so happy that you signed up for the challenge, and I love that your posts are short, sweet and meaningful. A very nice repose working through the A to Z list. :)

    Btw - do you happen to have a Twitter handle? Want to give some twitter love to CBW-LA members participating in A to Z!

    Cheering you on from A to Z!!

  5. I was thrilled to find your blog listed on Nutschell's post. So happy to see you join us in the Challenge and hope you find it fun and rewarding. Your blog looks great and you are taking a good approach. Good luck with it!

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
