Thursday, April 30, 2015

A to Z - Z!!!

The FINAL letter of our wonderful countdown!

For my A to Z Challenge theme I will be posting items that are no longer with us or are close to becoming extinct.

These are great items to use if you are trying to set a time period in your story or to stay away from if you want your story to be timeless.

The Zoot suit was popular in the 1940's. They were eventually banned, ostensibly because they used too much cloth, for the duration of WWII.  The suits had long jackets with padded shoulders and wide lapels, with high-waisted, wide legged trousers that were tight cuffed and pegged.  The suits were usually paired with a fedora and a long watch chain that hung down past the knee.
fabsion:  Dancing couple in the 1940’s, he is replete with Zoot Suit. Very Allroot. Photo thanks to Shelton Powe, Jr.

Zayre- Like so many of the stores I grew up with; Ames, Bradlees, Globe, Porteous, and yes Zayre, they are no longer with us.  Zayre was very similar to a KMart.  1956 to 1990.  Although my local Zayre's didn't last until 1990.  I loved Zayre because with my piddly allowance I could afford stuff there.  The first thing I ever bought with my own money was a lime green plastic skateboard. My prized possession of my six year old life.  I lived on the top of a hill. I loved my skateboard.

Zenith  While the company technically exists it was bought by LG Electronics in 1999 and you never see any Zenith branded items anymore.  Zenith was founded in 1918.  Zenith was the inventor of subscription television and the modern remote, they were also the first to develop HDTV in North America.

Thank you so much for joining me on this ride.  I have found a lot of wonderful blogs that I can't wait to follow and see what they are like when not blogging from A to Z.  Congratulations to everyone who finished!  We did it!

Image result for congratulations


  1. I remember Zayre's. Glad Zoot suits are gone by, though; they are ugly!

    1. I'd take zoot suits over seeing their underwear. Which I am shocked is still going on. Pull up your pants! Now that I sound like my grandmother I wish I had something cool to say to counteract the old lady complaining.

  2. I forgot all about Zayre's! Guess TJ Max has taken it's place in my life. :)

    1. If it wasn't for the skate board I would have too. The store was never very nice looking. I liked Woolworths a lot more.

  3. Congratulations on finishing the challenge!! It's been so wonderful reading your blog and I'm looking forward to continuing to do so!

    1. Congratulations to you too! Great job. I look forward to reading yours as well.

  4. Shame Zenith was absorbed. That was a household name for so many years.
    Congratulations on finishing the Challenge!

    1. It is sad that it just faded away after being such a pioneer. Thanks for visiting.
      This is my third challenge and they get easier every time. The theme helped. It has been my favorite so far.

  5. I'm glad the Zoot suit has gone out of style.

    Congratulations on making it to Z! :)

    1. Congrats to you too! I moved to LA just when they were making a comeback and I love that music so they have a special place in my heart.

  6. I didn't know that about Zenith!
    Congrats on making it through the Challenge!

    1. Congrats to you too! Is this your first one? Zenith would have passed me by if not for my two neighbors who worked for them so I was very aware because of our concern for their welfare. That is an issue with a husband and wife working for the same company.

  7. Congratulations we made it :) It's been lots of fun and I've liked your blog posts because even if we don't have the same stuff or stores or companies in the U.K. I've got to know more about them! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Congrats to you as well. I share your love of learning what goes on in other countries. I look forward to learning some more crafts with you this year.

  8. Hi KAT - gosh those names I didn't know - but wrong continent, so not surprising I suppose .. but congratulations on making it to the end of the Z ... well done and it'll be good to keep in touch .. cheers Hilary

    1. It has been a joy meeting you. I look forward to visiting your blog when the challenge is complete.
      Those are very odd store names here as well. But thank goodness there was a Z!

  9. I've heard of the Zoot Suit. Styles change, thank goodness.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge. So nice to meet you.

    1. Congratulations to you too. I'm so glad I found your blog from Anne Marie's posts.
      I look forward to visiting your blog soon.

  10. When the Daddy passed away, I found a zoot suit in his closet. The material was heavenly. I now wished I'd kept it so I could make something out of the fabric.

    Whooo-hoooo! to the letter Z. I'm glad to have met you, KAT Writer. See ya again.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister

  11. Congrats! Fun theme. Zoot suits remind me of Jim Carrey in the Mask. They seem very zany.

  12. Hello there.
    Back in the day, people knew how to dress. I always liked the way the ladies and gents were styled in the old black and white movies or early colour, it seems one attracts more attention when wearing next to nothing, if anything at all...oh how times have changed!
    Congratulations on surviving the challenge! I didn't get to visit your blog during the crazy month of April so I'm popping over today from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
