Thursday, April 16, 2015

A to Z - N

For my A to Z Challenge theme I will be posting items that are no longer with us or are close to becoming extinct.

These are great items to use if you are trying to set a time period in your story or to stay away from if you want your story to be timeless.

Nickel–cadmium battery (NiCd battery or NiCad battery) is a type of rechargeable battery invented in 1898. Since the 1990's Nicds have been replaced by Nickel metal hydride and Lithium Ion rechargeable batteries with better capacity.  The heavy cadmium metal is worse for the environment and these batteries can only be purchased as replacements in the European Union.

New Coke can.jpg New Coke one lesson I have learned at work is you don't mess with people's pay or their food.  Coca-cola learned that lesson the hard way. The new, sweeter, version of Coke was introduced April 23, 1985.  There was a public outcry which caused the company to go back to their to the original Coke formula, okay not the 100 year old original because cocaine was understandably removed, only three months after the release of New Coke. Marketing had to add the word Classic coke to all their cans and bottles to assuage consumers.

 Nintendo Virtual Boy  was it's shortest-lived system.  It was on the market for only six months in 1995. I think it was a little to ambitious for the available technology. The Nintendo Virtual Boy was a bulky, red headgear that completely obscured a gamer's vision as he tried to play games rendered in rudimentary 3-D graphics. It was expensive, retailing at $180, and only 14 were ever available in the U.S.

Happy Writing!


  1. Hi Kat - I knew about the batteries and the disaster that Coke experienced ... it was a salutary read .. Ninento - not within my ken or interest ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, Nintendo was not on my radar either but my N was light so I found it in a search.

  2. I had no idea about the "new" Coke, but does explain why the bottles say classic on them.

    1. I remember the huge uproar. I was shocked to find out how quickly it went away.

  3. New coke?! Whoa. Never heard of that one before.

    1. Glad to see you here. Did you escape the dreaded stomach flu?

  4. Aaah, New Coke. Surely one of the best examples of 'If it ain't broke...'?

    1. So true! I forgot that gem," if it ain't broke". I cannot find your blog. I would love to visit. Please leave your blog address. Thanks.

  5. New Coke was definitely no loss. I wonder if anyone liked it?

    1. When I researched this it said that they had done lots of blind taste tests and it always won in the taste tests over original coke. Pretty amazing how attached people are to their favorite products. I can't believe that they got it off the market and the original back in only three months. I am sure Pepsi loved this.

  6. Without knowing the true dangers of coke, my mother bought it for us since I was a kid. When the new coke came out I was horrified and then elated when the classic was back. I drank coke all the way into my 40's! Yes, most of my teeth are crowned :) Now I'm happy to say I'm soda free.

    You can find me here:

  7. Hmmm, I have a feeling we may have some of the father-in-law's nickel batteries in our closet somewhere.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister
