Monday, October 5, 2015

Focusing on what is really important

We had a car break down and it was expensive to fix, we came home to find that the dogs had left us a very wet, smelly spot on our rug (there is hardwood all over but, no, they preferred the rug), but we all came home from work and school alive and unhurt. My heart goes out to everyone effected by the the shooting in Oregon.

My cousin was in a very serious accident and is expected to be in the hospital and a rehabilitation facility for a year or more.

My friends are fighting cancer. And I have co-workers who are fighting cancer, lupus, kidney failure, loss of lung function. I could go on, but I don't want to make any less of the issues these wonderful people are saddled with and fighting.

This litney of tradgedies has been tearing at my heart and making me feel useless and left me wondering over and over what more I can do to help.  Then it occurred to me that I should be remembering the advice to live every day as if it is our last.

There are so many things that vie for our attention but so few of them are really what is important. I am working to keep that in perspective and spend more time with my loved ones.

I did not clean the house this weekend. We saw friends, went out to eat, and made sure we spent time together as a family.  We all discussed, planned and booked a weekend away as well.  I hope we continue to make time together a priority.

I hope that this post will inspire others to take a moment to remember who is important in their lives and spend more qaulity time with them too.


  1. Friends and family are always more important.
    It is easy to get caught up in the trials and sorrows of this world. We can only do what we can do though.

    1. I feel like it is so obvious that our family should be the most important but it is so easy to forget to tell and show them. You see them every day and sort of take it for granted that they know you love them.

  2. Hi Kat - what a great post ... and you are so right - live to the best you can and leave others happy each and every day ... cheers Hilary

    1. Well said Hilary. It is something I have to be mindful of to be sure I do it so a little reminder every once in a while is helpful to keep me on track.

  3. Wonderful post. We should remember how precious each day is and enjoy being with family and friends. Housework can wait. It will be there. Good for you for your lovely attitude. Have fun with those you love.

    1. I have decided that house work can be outsourced as well and am hiring a cleaner! Happy dance! I don't know why I was trying to do everything myself. It took me too long to realize to prioritize my family.

  4. Wow, this is so powerful. I was on the phone with a friend yesterday talking about how rough life can be...but how we always, always have so many blessings that we forget to be thankful for. Praying for you and all those you mentioned.

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers. They are needed and very appreciated.

  5. Wow...very powerful post. Yes, it's important to remember that each day is a gift. It's too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stresses and forget that.

    1. Thank you. We are so lucky that we are all in good health. I hope you and your family are as well. I'm so glad I found your books my daughter loves to read and your books look perfect for her.

  6. =) I work with my kids all day every day, and sometimes at the end I pause and question if the exhaustion is worth it. Then I think about the relationships that are forming and strengthening all the time, between me and them, between brothers and sisters, and it brings a sense of peace. Life is too short to waste on the frivolous, eh?

  7. Great post. And you are so right: focus on what is important.

  8. There's always something to get us down if we let it. I try not to let it. Might as well enjoy what we can with who we can when we can.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  9. A heartfelt post, Kat. Time is the greatest gift one can give and spending time with family and friends is invaluable. The thing about housework - it'll always wait :) Have a great family weekend.
