Saturday, April 12, 2014

K is for Keeping in Touch

Keeping in touch with your audience, followers and other authors is:

  • essential
  • fun
  • wonderful
  • helpful
  • interesting
  • educational
I love the people I have come to know electronically and the people I have met in person through my writing.  I have learned so much and been aided in my quest by the wonderful people who take the time to visit and comment.  I hope that I have given back more than I have received.  

I recognize that we are all pressed for time and it is hard to keep up on all the social media and to respond to every post and comment but it is time well spent.  I have set aside time during lunch to catch up and visit with my wonderful social connections and my writing group. 

What works for you?  

Thanks for visiting and enjoy your weekend.  I am most likely doing something that involves baseball with my son.


  1. Hi KAT,
    Good to read this piece
    Yes, Keep writing is the
    words quite often I use
    in my conversations, mail
    and even in comments
    of course one more that is
    "Keep Informed" LOL
    Yes, Let us be alert in
    keep informing or keeping
    in touch. :-)
    I could very well relate to it.
    Have a Happy Weekend

  2. Replies
    1. I have a hard time keeping up with it though. How do you keep up with two blogs?

  3. Aloha Katie,

    So glad that you included your link so I can reciprocate. It is tough though keeping in touch during A to Z Challenge, while also blogging! Last year, I still hopped through May so I could finish commenting.

    Maui Jungalow

    1. I was so burnt out from A to Z last year that I ended up taking May off and that was a huge mistake. I will just scale back this year.

  4. What works for me is much like what you do: find little minutes here and there, be it at lunch or before bedtime to reconnect.
    Great post!

    1. Right now I am playing school with my daughter and this is my computer lab assignment, I just failed my spelling test (supercalifragalistic... was my downfall) and then next is recess.

    2. Randa I can't find your blog. What is the address again?

  5. I try to find just a few minutes to myself,to just be. My life is so hectic these days it is hard for me to carve out time for others, much less myself. Thanks for the post it reminds me that I have to make time to keep in touch with others.
